Being a Governor - Guide
Being a Governor at Owlsmoor Primary School is about being part of the community of the school. It is an important position requiring enthusiasm, time and commitment.
The governing body consists of 13 governors including the Headteacher. There are 3 parent governors, 1 staff governor, 1 Local Authority governor and 7 Co-Opted governors.
As a new governor, you will receive a pack of information from the Local Authority which will describe the formal responsibilities and duties of being s governor.
The guide below provides information about our Governing Body, which we hope you find helpful.
You will discover that there is more to being a governor then attending meetings although it is true to say that meetings do provide the structure around which the Governing Body operates.
We hope that you find the experience of being a governor at Owlsmoor fulfilling and enjoyable.
If you are interested in becoming a governor please come and talk to us or click here to download an easy guide to being a governor.