The School Charter
I have the right to learn
Children will:
- come to school on time every day fully prepared to learn
- try their best in everything they do
Adults will:
- teach the curriculum through varied and interesting lessons
- mark work regularly and ensure that children know what they need to do to get better
I have the right to be safe
Children will:
- Use equipment sensibly
- Let an adult know if they feel unsafe
Adults will:
- provide instructions and supervise where necessary
- keep children safe in the classroom and school grounds
I have the right to be healthy
Children will:
- bring a water bottle to school and take regular water breaks
- be as active as possible during break and lunchtime
Adults will:
- ensure a variety of exciting PE activities are taught
- teach children about healthy eating and the importance of exercise
I have the right to play
Children will:
- show one another respect during playtimes
- take turns and share the playground equipment
Adults will:
- be good role models and demonstrate kindness and respect
- train play leaders and arrange well equipped play zones
I have the right to be heard
Children will:
- influence decisions affecting the school community
- make choices about their own learning
Adults will:
- provide suggestion boxes and encourage all children to vote on important decisions
- give children choices about their learning through different levels of challenge.